SiteGround is highly optimized for using a WordPress hosting platform. Each plan comes with its in-house security features that improve the WordPress website’s speed and performance. Also, the process of setting up a WordPress website is very simple with their one-click WordPress installation.
Unfortunately, SiteGround doesn’t provide a free domain name. However, you can use your already-existing domain name (if you have one), or you can register for a new one during the sign-up.
As we mentioned in the pros and cons, SiteGround provides a 30-day money-back guarantee with all their plans. During this period, you can try their services and later request a refund. Keep in mind that the domain name registrations are non-refundable.
SiteGround is a pretty expanded web hosting company whose servers are located in Europe, Singapore, the United States, and Australia. You should choose your server during the registration.
This is the last thing you should worry about with SiteGround. SiteGround comes with a comprehensive and reliable web hosting solution that consists of security-enhancing features, such as Backups, protected URLs, SSL manager, blocked IPs, and HTTPS enforcement.
Atsakykite į keletą paprastų klausimų ir raskite puikų sprendimą sau!
Pradėkite hostingo paiešką teikia profesionalias svetainių prieglobos apžvalgas visiškai nepriklausomai nuo bet kurio kito subjekto. Mūsų apžvalgos yra nešališkos, sąžiningos ir visais atvejais taiko tuos pačius vertinimus.
Iš patikrintų įmonių yra gaunama piniginė kompensacija. Paslaugų ir produktų kompensacija neturi įtakos mūsų apžvalgų pobūdžiui ar išvadoms. Kompensacija taip pat neturi įtakos tam tikrų prieglobos įmonių įvertinimui.
Ši kompensacija padengia recenzentų honorarų, paskyrų pirkimo ir testavimo išlaidas.