Ekspertų ir vartotojų įžvalgos iš Hostmaria klientų:
Hostmaria is a web hosting company focused on speed, performance, security and exceptional support. Whatever your hosting needs - we're here to provide the right solution for you.
After having built many websites using notepad and HTML in the past, I have grown lazy over the years on managed hosts. Leaving me to forget a lot of the back-end cpanel tricks of the trade. I took a star off of user friendly only because it takes a bit of technical prowess to use the old school cpanel vs. other hosts that have made us button clickers in the back-end. If you are a casual web designer this may be a hurdle, but support is there to help.
Speaking of, the support at HostMaria is top notch in guiding me through our companies' needs and never make me feel stupid and only let me do that on my own. I have never had an issue with downtime or speed though the servers are in the UK and most of my work is in the US. I am hoping they get their US servers back.
Solid hosting with good support as the title suggests.
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Iš patikrintų įmonių yra gaunama piniginė kompensacija. Paslaugų ir produktų kompensacija neturi įtakos mūsų apžvalgų pobūdžiui ar išvadoms. Kompensacija taip pat neturi įtakos tam tikrų prieglobos įmonių įvertinimui. Ši kompensacija padengia recenzentų honorarų, paskyrų pirkimo ir testavimo išlaidas.