Ekspertų ir vartotojų įžvalgos iš Connect Your Hosting klientų:
Connect Your Hosting is thé hosting specialist for fast SSD VPS Hosting and webhosting.
The founder of Connect Your Hosting has more then 12 years of experience with managing IT systems and hosting services. With the experience from him and our other employees we are focussed to make Connect Your Hosting a good Hosting Provider for Cloud Services and webhosting services.
I needed a Windows 11 VPS in the EU and ConnectYourHosting was the only one I could find that offered anything with more than 30gb of storage. The price is excellent for 150gb and 4gb of ram! The setup is instant (you click 'buy' and the activation email is sent!). Support turnaround so far is less than an hour.
My only complaint so far is that they offer great automated backups (weekly / monthly / yearly) but the process to use them is manual. It's one of those things that hopefully doesn't ever matter, but it'd make me feel better if it was integrated into the control panel.
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