Ekspertų ir vartotojų įžvalgos iš IONOS Website Builder klientų:
Over 8 million client contracts and 12 million domains are managed by 1&1 IONOS, Europe's top website builder and domain registrar. Its large selection of appealing website themes and many features make it a competitive option for professional online presence.
Which 1&1 IONOS website builder features are beneficial?
1&1 IONOS provides excellent features to create a professional-looking website like email marketing, multilingual translation, SEO help, and an optional e-commerce feature. They also provide a backup feature that allows you to save a backup at any point and a blog feature.
How many websites can you host on 1&1 IONOS?
You can host as many websites as you want on 1&1 IONOS. However, you will have to pay separately for each site, no matter which of 1&1 IONOS’ site builder products you choose.
Are the 1&1 IONOS templates mobile-friendly?
Yes, they are. All templates provided by 1&1 IONOS are mobile responsive and automatically adapt to fit phone and tablet screen sizes.
Can I transfer my domain to 1&1 IONOS?
If you already have a domain, you can transfer it to 1&1 IONOS through the provider’s technical support. Their support is available by phone from 8 am to 6 pm EST.
What kind of customer support does 1&1 IONOS offer?
1&1 IONOS offers 24/7/365 email and phone support. Their phone support is available from 8 am to 6 pm EST. You can access 1&1 IONOS customer support through a live chat from 8 am-8 pm, but only if you have a 1&1 IONOS account. 1&1 IONOS also provides an extensive help center and a rich knowledge base.
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