Ekspertų ir vartotojų įžvalgos iš GigeNET klientų:
Founded on customer necessity. Progressing for customer innovation.
GigeNET has been providing dedicated servers for 20 straight years and is an industry pioneer with the first scalable DDoS Protection service, ProxyShield™, and the first to market with fastest route optimized network technology for dedicated server hosting. Our dedicated server solutions are guaranteed by c...
We've been hosting in Gigenet's Chicago location continually since 2008. We've tried other hosting providers, but none are better than Gigenet. We've upgraded servers several times and each time the cost is lower. Uptime is 100% except for planned network upgrades, which they notify of way in advance. Their network speeds are always fast and the dedicated servers are very reliable. They have fast 24/7 response to support tickets and a toll free number to call them in the event of an emergency (we've had a few, not their fault). We've also used their cloud services for a couple projects.
Been with GigeNet for 6 years now happy the whole time
I can't really explain all the benefits of being a GigeNet customer. It goes far beyond typical hosting companies. If I need any assistance with php, wordpress, python, linux, windows, magento I get it from GigeNet !
They have a diverse group of admins and coders that make doing things with api's rest and automation so easy. They have very extensible systems for monitoring and the reliability has been great. With the exception is hardware failures or upstream network providers maintenance which is beyond their control they have been exceptional.
HostAdvice.com teikia profesionalias svetainių prieglobos apžvalgas visiškai nepriklausomai nuo bet kurio kito subjekto. Mūsų apžvalgos yra nešališkos, sąžiningos ir visais atvejais taiko tuos pačius vertinimus.
Iš patikrintų įmonių yra gaunama piniginė kompensacija. Paslaugų ir produktų kompensacija neturi įtakos mūsų apžvalgų pobūdžiui ar išvadoms. Kompensacija taip pat neturi įtakos tam tikrų prieglobos įmonių įvertinimui. Ši kompensacija padengia recenzentų honorarų, paskyrų pirkimo ir testavimo išlaidas.